In this Summer 2022 highlight, our Washington, D.C. & Houston group reports on their last few days in Houston. Enjoy!
Our time in Houston was a whirlwind! Here is a visual summary…

Our group with Astronaut Anna Fisher!

Izzy, Zoe, and Ben D creating model landing vehicles for Mars.
Our group coded rovers to get them through a model Martian landscape:

We engineered thermal protection and tested it!

We spent a lot of time learning at Johnson Space Center!

We also went to see Top Gun! Pictured are Ben D, Ben A, Zoe, Izzy, and Vibhav!

We sang in the van every day 🙂

We went inside Ghost Shuttle! The trainer for all the historic shuttle missions.

We got to see inside the historic restored Apollo Mission Control Center where they re-created the first moon landing for us!

Apollo mission control

We got to see inside the current mission control for the International Space Station! We even saw astronauts working in space while we were up there!

Inside the historic Mission Control Center on a behind the scenes visit!

A view of “Building 9” where astronauts train for the ISS.

Going out with a bang with our last night at the Kemah Boardwalk!
And a goodbye message from our resident poet…
“Things will only ever ‘be over’ if we allow them to be. Everything we learned and how we changed will stay regardless of our physical distance from each other, and as we reminisce over the short time we had together, the butterfly effect of these special moments will stay with us forever. Memories last much longer than the moments they remember but they are both important to our experiences. Every laugh and smile and friend made won’t disappear unless you forget to remember. Don’t be a stranger, I will always miss our moments together.” — Vibhav